Day 3 to 8 followed the same pattern, after 17 training sessions in a week and a tight control of my food intake. I managed to lose 3.5kg!!
My fitness routine is as shown below, I trained 2-3 hours per day divided in 2-3 sessions per day. One session of moderate intensity (BJJ) and the others are HIIT (high intensity interval training).
Friday: BJJ medium Intensity and Spin High Intensity.
Saturday: Rest as, I was knackered, stiff and achy.
Sunday: 1h Resistance training, light Intensity and 1h Spin high Intensity.
Monday: BJJ medium Intensity, 30' Conditioning High intensity and 1h Spin High Intensity.
Tuesday: BJJ medium Intensity and 45' Spin High Intensity.
Wednesday: BJJ medium Intensity, 30' Conditioning High intensity and 45' Spin High Intensity.
I made sure to stick to my calorie intake, between 2500-3000. My usual calorie intake is around 3500 calories with the same level of activity.
My protein intake is high, The fats an carbs are medium/low.
My water intake is between 2-3 litres.
Finally, I listened to my body, ate when hungry and didn't stop myself from having the things I like, just stick to the quantities and calories.
The bottom pictures was taken first thing in the morning before training last week Thursday 28th of April. I weighed 90.2kg at the time.
The tp picture are from this morning Wednesday the 4th of May. I now weigh 86.7kg, I lost 3.5kg in a week.
The differences if you pay attention are my waist is smaller, my face slimmer and my abs start to show more.