Rise and Shine 5.15am Wednesday 13th of January 2016
Planned workouts:
6-6.30am conditioning
6.45-7.30am HIIT session
Effective workouts:
Conditioning: sets of 10 squats with 100kg first 2 sets unbroken but rested over 1'30", the 3rd and 4th I did 6-4 for reps with 1' rest between set.
4 sets of 10 40kg gluteus raises.
Wk1: 5 lunges, 5 push ups, 5 open close squat, 10 moonwalker, SR.
WK2: 1 clean, 5 thruster, 5 Burpees over the bar and 250m row resistance 10
Wk3: 1 clean, 3 jerk press, 6 lunges, 5 arm rows and 250m row resistance 10
Pre workout snack:
A cup of coffee and almonds
Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs, a piece of toast with peanut butter and a white coffee and 10g of IBCAA
2nd Breakfast: a cup of cottage cheese, 1 handful of almonds
Lunch: , some broccoli and cauliflower and some mustard
Drinks: 1 black, 1 white coffee and 2-2.5 liters of water
My body reaction to the massage is good, I digested the effects of it. Yesterday I felt like a broken man and today after the 2 conditioning sessions, I feel relaxed and energized.
Day 17 conclusions:
I really start to enjoy everything about the preparation apart from the nutrition. The BJJ and the conditioning are going really well and my improvement in fitness help me being more alert when I spar, avoiding putting myself in dodgy positions or I feel stronger standing when my opponent pulls me down. On the other hand the BJJ is more structured, less changes of grip, one grip gives now 3-5 options, so it is easier to be a step ahead of my opponent. Now I see the leg drag everywhere, as before I had to force them.
The nutrition is hard, it is mentally hard to restrict yourself, I do almost OK with the calorie count, I am always at the limit. The hard thing is mental, I think about FOOD all the time.
I have a week to go and I will be on the plane, I desperately need to be 84-84.5kg for my peace of mind, so I suppose I have to suffer a bit more...